Tiffany Baker
Official Website of New York Times bestseller
The Little Giant of Aberdeen County
Strength and quiet beauty mark Baker's writing.
Mixes the exuberant eccentricities of John Irving, Anne Tyler's relationship savvy, and Margaret Atwood.
Tiffany Baker's raw and powerful writing almost reads like a screenplay in its simplicity, suspense, and dialogue that jumps off the page...it's an experience that haunts long after the final page has been turned.
Anita Shreve,
Washington Post
Publisher's Weekly
Toronto Star

Sun Sign: Gemini with Gemini Rising
Favorite Novel: Jane Eyre
Guilty Pleasure: Chocolate in the bathtub / the paper in bed on Sunday
Most Interesting Adventure: Took a train from London to Hong Kong at the height of the Cold War
Missed Career Opportunity: Ballerina
Favorite Museum: The Tate
I write stories about family secrets, women at the breaking point, small towns, sisters, folklore, fairy tales, and the wonders of everyday life. I have a PhD in literature from UC-Irvine, but I'm not fancy. I like dogs, yoga, cooking, and any kind of wild shore. I live in the San Francisco Bay Area with my five children, two dogs, tortoise, fish, and patient husband.
'I am not an angel,' I asserted; 'and I will not be one till I die: I will be myself. Mr. Rochester, you must neither expect nor exact anything celestial of me - for you will not get it, any more than I shall get it of you: which I do not at all anticipate.'
- Charlotte Bronte, Jane Eyre
Email: writertiffbaker@gmail.com
For any media inquiries, please contact my literary agent:
Dan Lazar at Writer's House:
212-685-2400 | www.writershouse.com
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